
    Dubai Healthcare City Building 27 Block C 1st floor


    We offer a range of routine and emergency vaccinations for both children and adults. Our practitioners, family physicians, and pediatric care providers can prepare individualized vaccination plans for you and your family. For your convenience, your child's vaccination history is stored on your personal account in a format that can be printed and presented to schools, kindergartens, and other institutions.

    We also provide the necessary travel vaccinations for trips to foreign countries and consultations regarding immunology, and can provide detailed information about the risks and side effects of various vaccines.

    Olga Polikina

    Family Physician
    Adults and children

    Diana Abdrakhmanova

    Pediatrician • General Practitioner
    Adults and children

    Yusup Omarov

    Cardiologist • General Practitioner
    Adults and children

    Dmitry Shilov

    Adults and children

    Request an appointment