
    Dubai Healthcare City Building 27 Block C 1st floor


    The Kandinsky Clinic provides comprehensive gynecological care using advanced diagnostic methods and treatments for a range of conditions, including cervical diseases, endometriosis, fibroids, pelvic inflammatory diseases, menstrual irregularities, and sexually transmitted infections. Our specialists are available to discuss contraception, hormone therapy, and related issues with you.

    We offer prenatal care services, including for multifetal and complicated pregnancies. Our Dubai-based care providers are also available to consult expecting mothers suffering from somatic or unpleasant symptoms throughout their pregnancy. Moreover, we are one of the few clinics in Dubai with a Russian-speaking reproductive endocrinologist.

    Madina Mahmudova

    General Practitioner • Obstetrician/Gynecologist

    Svetlana Kravchenko


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