Youlia Ahmed

    Consultant Internal Medicine • Nephrologist
    Adults and children
    Dutch, Russian, Arabic, English

    About doctor

    Dr. Youlia Ahmed is a Dutch trained Consultant Internist and Nephrologist with more than 15 years experience in Internal Medicine and Nephrology. In the past, docent and clinical teacher at the VU University Medical Center in the Netherlands, Amsterdam.

    Scientific experience

    Author and co-author of some scientific abstracts and articles.
    Co-author of the book “Acute Renal Insufficiency” Praktische huisartsgeneeskunde. Book in Dutch for Family Medicine Physicians.

    Titles and degrees

    Consultant Internal Medicine and nephrology
    Docent and clinical teacher in Academical Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Professional Competencies

    • Urinary tract infections such as cystitis, pyelonephritis
    • Diagnostic,follow up and treatment of acute and chronic kidney insufficiency
    • Nephrolithiasis.Diagnostic and prevention of nephrolithiasis
    • Glomerular disease
    • Diagnostic and treatment of anemia
    • Diagnostic and treatment of Diabetes mellitus
    • Diagnostic and treatment of Thyroid disease
    • Hypertonia,diagnostic,causes and treatment. Multidisciplinary analysis and consultation
    • Treatment and diagnosis of autoimmune disease such as different kinds of vasculitis
    • Fever of unknown origin. Periodic fever syndrome. Diagnostic,analysis and treatment
    • Diagnostic and treatment virus and bacterial infections of respiratoire systeem (bronchitis, pneumonia)

    Professional Education

    Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
    Doctor of Medicine(MD) VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Resident Internal Medicine Rijnstate Hospital in Arnhem (Radboud University Medical Center of Nijmegen),The Netherlands
    Fellowship Nephrology Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

    Professional Experience

    Academical Medical Center of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Academical Medical of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
    Preparation,follow up and management of patients with kidney transplantations.Renal replacement therapy- acute and chronic hemodialysis, continuous renal replacement therapy.Therapeutic plasma exchange.
    For Internal medicine experience in the different multidisciplinary leading hospitals with managing complex Internal Medicine/nephrology patients, The Netherlands
    Participation in the education and training programs of master students.Clinical teaching and supervision the Residents of Internal Medicine, medical students.Docent and clinical teacher in the Academical Medical Center of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    Services and prices

    Doctor’s consultation
    560 AED

    Contact us